Thursday, December 10, 2009

Office Tasks

Working at 3 Dimensional Life is both a privilege and a blessing. I love that I work with an incredible group of people. As staff members, our hearts, are focused on serving Christ and helping our students see their potential and be able to live destructive behavior(s) FREE!


As the only female consistently on property, I don't have to worry about doing things like taking out the trash or killing bugs. There are enough men and guys around here to take care of that. Needless to say, I've become spoiled.

I enjoy office-work. Really, I do. It means that I'm not outside braving the elements. But the one office task I struggle with is LICKING ENVELOPES. I hate it. Really, and truly, I absolutely abhor licking envelopes. Just writing those two words turns my stomach. In college, I would take my unsealed envelopes to the Post Office and beg them to either lick it for me or give me tape. :)

You can imagine my excitement when we began to send out 3 Dimensional Life Christmas cards, I enjoyed the task of stuffing the envelopes, placing address labels and stamps, but there was that LAST task I was dreading. This morning, it took me 30 minutes and two stores (both which did not have a sponge envelope sealer), to realize I had no choice but to lick.the.envelopes. For over a hundred of them...all by myself. It was quite the task. Each time, I would tell myself, "Its just one more envelope", quickly followed by the pray of, "Please don't let me get a papercut or die from the adhesive".

Thankfully, the LORD was gracious. I survived and the Christmas cards were sent out. :)

I think this is an important aspect of our work here: sometimes, both the staff and students at 3 Dimensional Life, have to do tasks that are not our most favorite, but they must be done! The students at 3D experience this every single day.

I have to admit: I'm hoping we get a sponge envelope sealer in the office soon. But, it was a great reminder that life is full of choices and my attitude that follows is crucial.

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