Monday, January 4, 2010

The Look of Sacrifice

He has a huge smile and an even bigger heart. Even though he graduated, he doesn't "officially" complete his program until a couple of weeks. His name is Riche, and if you've ever been around the 3D guys, and not met him, you are missing out. The change that has occurred in his life and in his family's lives is incredible. A change I've seen, not as ministry staff, but as a sideline observer.

Yesterday, Riche began to share about why he made the decision to become an intern. He said, "I kept looking at different options of what I wanted to do. I soon realized everything I was considering started with "I" - what I wanted to do."

Riche said that when he took a moment to consider what God wanted him to do, he went back to the driving force of his entire program: what do I need to do to have long-term sobriety?

At first, when Riche spoke of his driving force, I applauded his focus, then he made this comment: "Regardless of whether or not, someone is an addict, they need to decide what are they willing to sacrifice so that they don't go back to their old habits?" I felt so convicted by that comment.

For Riche, sacrifice means a 9-month internship at 3 Dimensional Life. What does sacrifice look like for us, individually? This is something that has challenged me and I am thinking a lot about: what am I willing to sacrifice for my long-term good?

Be praying for Riche - especially as he finishes his final days as a 3D student and prepares to be a 3D intern.

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