Thursday, March 18, 2010

12 Days and Thankful Thursday.

I recently heard the story of a man who had decided to stop doing drugs and other addictive behaviors. Cold turkey. One day, someone asked how he was doing and how long it had been since he stopped, he replied "12 days". Several months later, the same person ask the man how long it had been since he had stopped, again the man replied, "12 days". Noticing that the man had replied the same way, the person asked why the man said 12 days. The man replied, "Because I never want to get to a point where I think, I've got it. Because I know when I do, I will fall. I keep saying 12 days, so, that I believe I've only begun."

There is a lot of truth in that comment. For 3 Dimensional Life students, it is vital that they never think they have arrived. Instead, they need to consider they are a work in progress.

Thankful Thursdays:

2. Opportunities for Fathers and Sons to re-connect.
3. Grace - none of us deserve it, but we all need it.

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