Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thankful Thursdays

Here is this week's addition of thankfulness expressed:

1. Opportunities for growth: a lot of times, our students are given tasks to help them grow, to give them time to reflect. It's not always easy, but it is always beneficial.

2. Staff: I've mentioned many times what a blessing it is to have the staff team that we have - allow me to mention it again! We have a great team.

3. Board of Directors: We have an incredibly active BOD. Its amazing, really. Every week, one or more board members will be on property. And, that does not even include the constant contact they maintain with our Executive Director. There is progression in unity.

4. Rain: Some people struggle with the downpour of rain, but rain serves as a great reminder of God's faithfulness.

5. The future: The future is bright and full of promise. This is not limited to just 3 Dimensional Life, but extends to the student, his family, and beyond. When a student chooses to live a better life than the one they have been living previously, they cannot even begin to imagine what it looks like and means to live out a life that GLORIFIES the LORD.

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